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How to change a drive from FAT32 to NTFS format and vice versa?

You have a USB key or an external hard drive in FAT32 format and you would like to convert it to NTFS in order to bypass the 4 GB file size limitation. Or, you want to convert a drive from NTFS to FAT32 for better file system compatibility with the majority of operating systems. In either case, how do you go about it without loosing any of your data?


Storage media configured in the FAT32 format do not allow for the storage of files exceeding 4 GB in size. In case you need to store files larger than this you can convert the media to the NTFS file format without the need for formatting, which would erase all of your data.

How to go from FAT32 to NTFS without loosing your data?

The procedure is quite simple and will avoid the need to format the drive in case you don’t have sufficient space to perform a backup beforehand. And even if you are able to perform a backup, you may not want to undergo the tedious process of first copying all of your files to another disk, formatting your disk in the NTFS file format, and then copying all of your files back onto your disk.

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Windows 10: how to connect to a free VPN without going through third party software?

There are a number of VPN programs which allow the user to connect to secure servers located around the world. While this option is relatively straight forward, it is also possible to easily connect to various free VPN servers by directly configuring the connection within Windows.

The usefulness of Virtual Private Networks is no longer in question. They allow companies to create secure connections between terminals sometimes located hundreds or even thousands of kilometers apart. But, for us mere mortals, VPNs are indispensable for changing our IP address, but also, and especially, for being able to surf in complete safety without running the risk of having our data intercepted by third parties, something which can easily occur when surfing from a public WiFi connection for example.

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How to move data from one PC to another

Moving data from one PC to another is a function that you will have to perform when, for example, you are going to replace your personal computer with a new one, or if you just want to partially transfer documents, photographs, videos, music or any kind of file. A very simple task that can be performed by several methods with the common goal of completing the transfer safely and quickly. Well-known to experts, we have reviewed them as a guide for less advanced users who may not know some of them.

Transfer Cable

The simplest, fastest and most effective way to transfer files from one PC to another PC is a direct cable that links both. The industry offers wiring to connect Windows computers via USB or Mac to Mac using Thunderbolt ports. A less-known alternative among the general public is to use a crossover Ethernet cable that will allow you to create a local area network without the need for a router or modem and to share files between computers regardless of their operating system, Windows, Mac or Linux.

crossover Ethernet cable

LAN or Wi-Fi

All devices in the same local area network LAN can see each other. Operating systems have built-in options for configuring home networks between devices and you can easily and conveniently transfer files and folders from the file browser itself and over Wi-Fi or wired networks. In addition to the operating system tools themselves, the market offers third-party applications for sharing files of any size, such as Send Anywhere. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) applications are ideal for moving data over a network.

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Best Budget Graphics Cards 2017 Between 200 and 400 dollars: GTX 1060 3GB vs GTX 1060 6GB vs RX 480 VS RX 470

We faced off the representatives of Nvidia’s and AMD’s mid-range to evaluate their performance and quality/price ratio.

The best cards between 200 and 400 dollars

Usually the launch of new graphics cards make glances go towards the high-end, to those outrageous numbers, monstrous frame rates or resolutions within the reach of very few, but it is in the mid-range, where the vast majority of buyers aim for because it is where the best price/performance ratio on the market is, in that range between 200 and 300 $. That is why we are going to highlight and face off with one another representatives from both Nvidia and AMD in the range: the GTX 1060 6GB, GTX 1060 3GB, RX 480 8GB and RX 470 4GB.

The contenders

On the green brand’s side, we have 2 versions of the same card, the GTX 1060 in its 6GB and 3GB models, but they are not exactly the same card as we can see below.

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Guide: Which processor is the recommended minimum for each graphics card?

One of the things that most worries new users when setting up a new PC is the known theme of the bottleneck caused by CPU, something understandable considering that each graphics card can have certain requirements and need a processor or greater or less power.

First of all I want to clearly and extensively clarify what exactly this bottleneck caused by CPU is, as it is a fairly broad topic and not everyone has a solid understanding, even after the publication of this article which I undoubtedly invite you to review.

A bottleneck means that one or more components offer a lower performance than other elements in the system, and when they are working at the same time, they slow or limit their full potential. This is the simplest definition I can give you.

In the case of the CPU it is the processor that ‘feeds’ data to the GPU, and if the GPU ‘pulls frames per second’ faster than it receives information from the processor it will be slowed down and it won’t be able to work at its maximum capacity. This clarifies exactly what a CPU bottleneck is.

Different levels of bottlenecking

First of all, I want to make something clear that appears not to have been properly understood in the previous article, there are many levels of bottlenecking within the same type of bottleneck, and they can be ordered and differentiated according to their severity.

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32-bit vs. 64 bit Windows, programs and Processor: What’s the difference between them?

Choosing a processor or operating system is not a simple task, especially when technical terms start to appear which are as foreign as Chinese.

When installing an operating system you have the option of using either the 32 or the 64-bit version. When buying a computer CPU or a smartphone, you will find that both 32 and 64-bit processors are available. What is the difference? Which is better? Can you really notice a difference between them? We are going to try to answer these questions.

32-bit vs. 64 bit cpu

In computing, lots of concepts are linked to bits because bits are the DNA of computing and therefore, everything revolves around them.

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Best Graphics Card 2017: Advice and tips for buying

On the March update, we highlight the price decrease of the GTX 1080, which finally cost less than 600 dollars.

There are also news within the mid-range, with the 8 GB RX 480 having a much more attractive price and the 4 GB Gigabyte RX 460 costing only 120 dollars.

Graphics Card

We updated our list with the best graphic cards, adding some models that have gone down in price. There are news on all the three ranges, and among those we highlight the RX 460 by Sapphire with 4 GB GDDR5 for less than 130 dollars, the GTX 1060 by EVGA for less than 240 dollars and the GTX 1080 by MSI which costs less than 520 dollars.

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What’s Virus Cleaner?

These days, a virus cleaner is one of those tools that you can not do without, mainly because the probability that your computers or phones are infected with a virus is very high, especially if you are one those users who do not take any precautions when surfing the Internet or connect pendrives or cards without checking them first.

While virus cleaners and antivirus are applications that should always be installed on your computer to protect it from any threat that may arise, the truth is that many users only install a virus cleaner or antivirus when they suspect that their PC is already infected with malware.

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Best CPU 2017 Buying Guide: Everything you need to know when choosing a processor


Whether you decide to upgrade your computer’s processor, or if you want to choose all of the components and build a PC yourself, not only will you save some euros, but you will also have more knowledge about what you purchase and about the components of your PC, or at least, everything you need know when choosing a processor.

To upgrade a computer, it isn’t always necessary to replace it. Sometimes, replacing the chip for another more powerful one is enough, although it will always be your motherboard that determines the type and model of processor it supports.

Instead, if you choose to select the components and build your own PC, you will have to keep in mind some factors to determine which is the ideal processor for your setup.

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AMD Ryzen 7 1800X vs Intel Core i7-6900K under Sniper Elite 4

We have here the first reliable performance test of an AMD Ryzen CPU, specifically the Ryzen 7 1800X, with 8 Zen cores and 16 threads at a Base/Turbo frequency of 3.60/4.00 GHz with a TDP of 95W and a price of 499 dollars, which was faced with the Intel Core i7-6900K, consisting of 8 Broadwell cores with 16 threads at Base/Turbo frequencies of 3.20/4.00 GHz with a TDP of 140W and a price close to 1021 dollars.

To fight this duel, the game Sniper Elite 4 was used accompanied by a CrossFire configuration of two Radeon RX 480. For the test to reflect the most reliable performance possible, the character was positioned exactly at the same point on the map with the camera focusing on the same point, revealing how, with both PCs running the game at 4K resolution, the Ryzen 7 1800X is a 6.6% faster, while the average running game translates to be a 6.7% more powerful average, not bad having 45W less TDP and costing practically half.

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