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Dell updates XPS 15 laptops with Kaby Lake Processor and GTX 1050 GPU

The powerful and slim Dell laptop XPS 15 will receive an update to renew processors and graphic cards. The new model will be called the Dell XPS 15 9560.

Dell XPS 15

The current GPU, which in the current model is a GTX 960M, will move to a new GeForce GTX 1050 with  a power that should be much higher.. As it goes for processors, although it has not yet been officially announced, it seems as though it will be updated with the new seventh generation Kaby Lake,  from a Core i3-7100HQ to a Core i7-7700HQ going through the Core i5-7300HQ.

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How to control the temperature and speed of your processor or graphic card

Our computers have hardware components that determine the performance of our equipment. Among them, we can highlight the processor or CPU and RAM, but we cannot leave out the importance of the motherboard and graphics cards, especially in computers from where we spend more time playing our favorite games. Although good components can always guarantee a great performance, there are some external agents that can alter their behavior or the performance itself.

Heat or high temperatures are one of your biggest enemies, even though the components themselves transform the energy they need to run on heat, while they are working. Today’s processors, boards, memories, or graphics cards are designed to withstand high temperatures, however, if we put them to work for a long time, we increase the risk of breakdowns and strange behavior.

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Best Android Streaming Media Player Box 2017 Buying Guide

Virtually all TVs we can buy today carry some kind of internet-connected software, allowing us to enjoy content from all types of online platforms like Netflix, HBO, Amazon or YouTube, as well as reproduce content that is Stored on an external unit connected to our TV. The possibilities that Android media players connected to the television offer are considerably greater.

These Android players (known as set-top boxes) allow us to play videos stored on our local network or external devices such as USB sticks and external hard drives, or use the streaming services we mentioned above, along with those of the operators.

Android media players

In addition to being players, we can convert these devices into video game consoles thanks to the large number of emulators available on Android, as well as the native games of the operating system itself. Not to mention the number of applications on Android for all kinds of tasks.

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Best 10 inch, 7 inch and 8 inch Tablet 2017

General information about touchscreen tablets

First made popular by Apple’s iPad in 2010, digital tablets became all the rage, but their sales numbers have started to decline in the last few years. In 2015, 200 million tablets, 300 million computers (of which 200 million were portable computers) and around 2 billion smartphones (!) were sold worldwide.

While tablets have taken some of the market share away from entry-level laptops (especially netbooks), they remain a useful addition to a desktop or laptop computer. As you will see in the tablet comparison at the end of this article, tablets are becoming ever more affordable. They are especially useful for surfing the internet, keeping up to date with social media sites such as twitter or facebook, for reading email, playing simple games (casual gaming), reading electronic books, newspapers and magazines and also for taking and reviewing photographs. Their greatest advantage is their extreme mobility which allows them to be used anywhere at home with fewer constraints than offers a portable computer which is generally heavier and less autonomous. Tablets also have their downside: they are poorly suited to office work as well as any usage that requires a lot of text input (virtual keyboards are not as practical as real ones). Their overall performance is generally mediocre, which is a major limiting factor in their use for such things as video editing, performing complex calculations, photo editing and playing the most recent 3D games.

The screen

It is one of a tablet’s most essential elements. The screen’s diagonal is in general between 5 and 12 inches, the most popular models having a screen size of between 7 and 10 inches. The 7 inch models are better adapted to usage in the outside world due to their low weight (300g) which allows them to be easily transported as opposed to their 10 inch counterparts (600g) which are more enjoyable to use, but are generally better suited to home use. The most recent screens are generally of the following types: IPS, PLS, MVA or AMOLED. It is recommended to avoid TN technology which can usually be found on entry-level tables. The minimal acceptable resolution for tablets today is 1024×600 for 7 inch models and 1280×800 for the 10 inch models. The best tablets in these two dimensions are adopting more and more frequently full HD resolution: 1920×1080,1920×1200, or even higher.

The operating system

Now a days, the market is dominated by two operating systems: Apple iOS which holds less than a third of market share. Android from Google accounts for almost the other two thirds of the market. Microsoft has less than 5% market share with their Windows 10 models.

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Android device running slow: How to speed up your slow android phone?

Over time it is normal for problems to arise and translate into a slow Android experience. We explain below what problems you could find and how to solve them.

When using an electronic appliance such as a TV or a dishwasher you might be used to it not being degraded by use, at least not in a few years. With computers this is not the case because of the operating system and it’s the same with smart phones, which are just pocket computers and have the same problems.

Over time, the problems that make Android slow multiply

That’s why if after a while using your phone you feel your Android slows down it may not be just your imagination or maybe it is not slower than before but you still want to improve it. We will tell you what are the main reasons for this, what problems you could find and how to solve them.

slow android phone

A suitable launcher is key

If you have recently changed the launcher and you notice the phone is slower now it is possible that the launcher is the reason. Not all interfaces consume the same amount of resources and not all are as fluid.

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MSPY: Tracking and controlling a Smartphone is easy

Without a doubt, the smartphone is the device we use most during the day, to such an extent that this device has become indispensable for our life and needs that it is practically impossible to develop any of our activities without the comforting touch of its casing between our belongings. Of course, this dependence on the phone is associated with certain psychological problems more than to the things that are really necessary and important in life, but we can just install some application to help us with that too.

Joking aside, if at people would realize how many things we used to do differently, and even easier before being replaced with a digital alternative, they would be astonished. This leads us to think that, since we depend on smartphones so much, if we were to lose it or if it was stolen we would be absolutely paralyzed, in addition to of course losing all the information that it has stored in its entrails.


That last part is the point you should be most concerned with, since in the case you carry confidential or sensitive information on our cell phone, it could be used for criminal purposes by anyone who finds it or steals it.

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Best Gaming Mouse Under 50 dollars 2018; The right one for you is listed here

Gaming Mice are as much important for a gamer and a PC enthusiast as the GPU or the processor. It is also the subject people care about the least. Lags when playing Counter Strike is measurable.

When you are playing a demanding game or running a benchmark you can clearly see the FPS or the score to come to a conclusion about your laptop of your PC. For gaming alone, the results can be usually very conclusive.

The thing we tend to miss out on is the actual gaming experience. Do you miss your enemy, even when you thought he was directly at your crosshairs? Do you tend to play games on “Easy” setting because you just can’t handle the game’s difficulty? There are many reasons why this can happen. High pings, display latency, human error but more often than not the reason is sitting right under your nose – Your mouse.

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Can Microsoft increase its performance with the new Windows 10 Game Mode?

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The filtration of the 14997 Build does not stop bringing us surprises in the way of new functions. The day before yesterday we found that Windows 10 will include a new function to filter blue light, and a few hours ago a Twitter user by the name of @h0x0d, know for the veracity of their filtrations, has explored this build of Windows 10 and found a curious novelty: a file by the name of ‘’gamemode.dll’’, that lets us understand that this Game Mode will come in the Creators Update in the coming spring.

What can Microsoft do to improve performance?

Half of the users of Steam use Windows 10, which is why adding a Game Mode may suppose a coming improvement, but; what margin of handling does Microsoft have to improve the performance in a computer when you’re gaming by simply introducing a Game Mode? For this, we will analyze the components on which the performance of a game depend on: Processor, Graphic Card, RAM Memory, and Storage Unit.

Windows 10 Game Mode

Beforehand, we must imagine what Game Mode will do in Windows 10. There are two possible paths. First, we come across a Mode that gives priority to the execution of Games over Programs, how some utilities function already, and actually serve no purpose. The other option is that Microsoft introduces a real improvement at the Operative System level, seeing as it has access to all levels of software, doing something similar to what an Xbox One does, where the console works with an optimized 3 to 1 Operational System.

Windows 10 Game Mode

When it comes to the Processor, it is rare to find a game that forces it to 100% capacity. If you have an i5 or i7 that is less than three years old, it is probable that your processor has never reached 100% load while gaming.This is why closing processes when gaming has low impact on performance.

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What is Windows virtual memory and Recommended virtual memory (Paging file)size in Windows 10 for 8gb ram

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Virtual memory is a technique used by operating systems to access a greater amount of memory than the physically available, resorting to alternative storage solutions when the installed RAM is exhausted. In this article we will learn how it works and what we must do to configure it optimally.

As many readers know, computers use RAM to store the files and data needed by both the operating system and the software that we are running; its high performance guarantees optimum operation but, sooner or later, it always ends up filling. It is at this moment when Windows needs to resort to virtual memory.

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How to spy on someones phone: Software for spying on cell phones

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There are many reasons why someone might feel the need to spy on the activities of someone they know, and to have the ability to spy on their mobile phone and access the information stored in it – above all their instant messaging conversations.

In the majority of cases, when someone feels the need to spy on a cellphone it usually belongs to the person they are in a relationship with, especially when they suspect that their significant other is seeing new people, or what is worse, being unfaithful.

Software for spying on cell phones

Spying on other people’s conversations, mail and other aspects of their private life is illegal, and reading or listening in on conversations is a criminal offense and raises issues of morality and confidence. Irregardless, some people can not resist the temptation of knowing this private information and use this type of software to spy on their partner’s mobile phone.

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