Buying a Ryzen motherboard: Which Chipset, Manufacturer and RAM is right for you?

X370, B350 or A320: The AMD Ryzen is becoming ever more attractive to PC hobbyists for its significantly cheaper price than at release. We reveal which motherboard chipset you should get. The Ryzen 1800X is the flagship of the new AMD processors. It will not …

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RAM: 7 things you need to know about memory

Our big RAM guide gives seven tips about memory and answers questions such as “how much is enough?”, “which modules are suitable?” and more. Some advertising slogans remain in our memory. “It’s more worthwhile now than ever before”, as it was often broadcasted in an …

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DDR4 vs. DDR3: Is It Worth The Upgrade?

Eight years after the launching of DDR3 memory, JEDEC, the association responsible for the standardizing of engineering and technologies that are based on semiconductors, publicized the final specifications of the new standard DDR4 and its variant for mobile units, LPDDR4. DDR4 is an evolution of …

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A guide: Everything you need to know about RAM

RAM is a vital component in any type of computer unit or system in a broad sense, and we can say without fear of error that its use depends to a large degree on the specific operating system that we use, as well as the …

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Special: RAM Memory, five myths you should not believe

RAM memory is one of the most important basic components of almost every technological device, including PCs, smartphones, smart watches, and so forth, but it is also one of the components that has the most false myths attached to it. RAM memory is one of …

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How to know if the RAM of a laptop can be expanded?

Surely on more than one occasion you have said or heard someone say a computer is running slow, especially on older computers, as more and more powerful applications are being developed and therefore more resources are needed. RAM is one of the key components in …

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What is the difference between RAM and ROM?

Computers and mobile devices need two main types of memory in order to operate correctly and to store the data that they work with. These two types of memory are known as RAM and ROM, and we are going to analyze in detail each of …

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G.SKILL welcomes Kaby Lake with 4.133 and 4.266 Mhz DDR4 memories

Taking advantage of the launch of the new Intel Kaby Lake processors, memory chip manufacturer G.SKILL has announced two new DDR4 TridentZ RAM kits specifically designed for the Z270 platform along with these seventh generation processors. The fastest kit will consist of two 8 GB …

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AMD launches its Radeon R7 DDR4 Ram modules for Intel CPUs

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) has started to sell their first Radeon DDR4 memory modules. The new DIMMs are not compatible with existing AMD platforms, but they can work with Intel CPUs, as well as the upcoming AMD chips that will be released around 2016. The …

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How much RAM do I need? Select the best memory for your PC

When we buy a new computer, many times we stop to think how much RAM is needed for our day to day activities. It is easy to let yourself be convinced by the vendors, or the desire to have the “best of the best.” But …

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