Comparing two Processors, two Video Cards or two SSD in detailed mode.

If we have to change a component of our PC it is wise to at least go and check whether the piece we’re going to assemble is better than what we already have. The most important part for daily use is definitely the CPU, but …

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SanDisk Ultra II SSD Review

A SSD, no matter what on your gaming computer. SSDs are already fully entrenched in the gaming world and are no longer unknown to the majority. Using flash memory instead of a magnetic disk, reading and writing speed, as well as its access times are …

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The new Seagate 10TB helium-filled hard drive is designed for network services

Seagate owns HGST, a company that has been putting on the market in recent years various models of helium-filled hard drives to reduce friction between heads and platters to improve their speed. Seagate now claims part of that technology to make their first helium-filled hard …

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How to securely and irreversibly erase hard drive completely

To delete data from a hard drive properly, a rewriting process of all sectors is performed recursively. That is, the hard disk is completely rewritten repeatedly in a write loop, which makes the recovery of residual data to be an almost impossible task. To delete …

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How to install a new hard drive of SSD on desktop PC and laptop, step by step

Maybe at some point you will note that our computer is filled with data too often (and you have to resort to using external hard drives or USB flash drives to extract files and information) or that you can’t install more applications, games or working …

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Best SSD for Gaming 2016

CPU speeds keep increasing, and new devices operate at a rate greater than that which they can fetch data from computer hard drives. This leads to informational bottlenecks when the dataflow is not sufficient enough to keep up with processing speed. The solution is an …

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Intel SSD 750, perfect for your enthusiast PC

The chip giant has extended the Intel SSD 750 series with a new 800 Gbytes storage capacity model that will delight a user who wants to mount or enhance its enthusiast PC or a professional who wants to add on its workstation. The Intel SSD …

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