How To

You can hide your browsing data from your ISP. Here’s how.

With the recent anti-privacy bill replacing the Obama-era FCC rules, your ISP has been given absolute powers to track your online footprint and sell the information mined to the highest bidder. For starters, Internet Service providers can monitor your online activity and sell that information …

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Memory leak: what it is and how to solve it

Memory leaks cause a large quantity of the problems which we suffer when using our computer. They cause delays in loading programs, poor multi-tasking and a generally slow performance. If we have all of this happening with our computer and focus on the RAM, we …

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What an SSD controller is for and the job it does

When we read the specifications of a solid state storage unit, just as important as knowing the type of NAND memory that it uses inside to store our data, is to know what SSD controller the manufacturer has decided to install in it. But do …

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Guide: How Much VRAM Do I Need for Gaming? Is 2GB or 4GB VRAM Enough?

We will analyze how much memory a graphics card needs in order to play current and future titles with no problems. 4, 6, or 8 GB? We will analyze how much memory a graphics card needs for both current and future games. Buying a graphics …

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A guide: Everything you need to know about RAM

RAM is a vital component in any type of computer unit or system in a broad sense, and we can say without fear of error that its use depends to a large degree on the specific operating system that we use, as well as the …

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Explore Why the USB-C Port for MacBook Pro Enjoys Huge Popularity

It seems that Apple has been deliberating quite a lot before introducing the USB-C Hub for its MacBook Pro. Apple had, in fact, put a lot of thought into this paradigm shift for their MacBooks. What’s rare is that they have chosen to separate themselves …

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Do you have cable in your house but your WiFi connection isn’t good? Mesh routers will change your life

With the arrival of optical fiber we have experienced an incredibly great increase in navigation speed, and now we can navigate the internet, download and share files in the blink of an eye. But this connection speed isn’t always the real connection speed that we …

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How to ANONYMOUSLY Watch and Download Instagram Stories?

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks worldwide. Instagram stories are for some people the most important part of Instagram. On the other hand, it’s a bit annoying that you can’t see those stories after 24 hours after posting, right? But, now there …

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How to convert a PDF to Word?

On more than one occasion you’ve needed to turn a PDF document into a Word file, into DOC or DOCX format, so you can modify it. However, not really being an expert in IT or technology in general, you’ve never really understood how to do …

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How to install Android on your PC

You own a new generation Android smartphone and you’re a lover of the green robot’s operating system. After searching far and wide on the internet, you came across this article hoping to find a solution to your “problem”. Tell me everything, what can I help …

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