How To

Differences between 802.11ax and 802.11ad, the next generation of Wi-Fi

The battle of the technology out on the market This is not the first time that two standards face one another to see which one will take over the market. What is weird this time is that these two standards do not come from rivaling …

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The guide to improve your gaming performance on Windows 10

We are now in full E3, one of the most important gaming events, and to celebrate it, we wanted to dedicate this Sunday’s guide to pick and explain a series of key points that will help you to improve your gaming PC’s performance. To make …

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How to choose a Computer and Monitor for Photo / Video editing

Some of the most common questions I receive are about photography. I have already spoken in some detail about the choice of cameras and lenses, but I have not yet spoken about how to choose a computer to be used for the purposes of photography. …

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Guide: AMD´S RYZEN Processors Questions and Answers

AMD´S RYZEN processors have been with us for a while now and thanks to the tests and analyses that we have been able to do, their possibilities, the value that they offer and practically all their technical issues are very clear to us. We know …

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How to change a drive from FAT32 to NTFS format and vice versa?

You have a USB key or an external hard drive in FAT32 format and you would like to convert it to NTFS in order to bypass the 4 GB file size limitation. Or, you want to convert a drive from NTFS to FAT32 for better …

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Windows 10: how to connect to a free VPN without going through third party software?

There are a number of VPN programs which allow the user to connect to secure servers located around the world. While this option is relatively straight forward, it is also possible to easily connect to various free VPN servers by directly configuring the connection within …

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How to move data from one PC to another

Moving data from one PC to another is a function that you will have to perform when, for example, you are going to replace your personal computer with a new one, or if you just want to partially transfer documents, photographs, videos, music or any …

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32-bit vs. 64 bit Windows, programs and Processor: What’s the difference between them?

Choosing a processor or operating system is not a simple task, especially when technical terms start to appear which are as foreign as Chinese. When installing an operating system you have the option of using either the 32 or the 64-bit version. When buying a …

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VR Glossary

What’s the difference between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality? What does HMD mean, and what the heck is an omnidirectional treadmill? What does latency and screen refresh rate have to do with it? In our Virtual Reality glossary, we’ll explain the most important terms from …

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How to create, delete, and manage user accounts in Windows 10?

Although perhaps the most usual is to use Window with a single user account, it is often necessary to have multiple accounts, especially on shared computers. This makes things a lot easier when we share the computer with our siblings, roommates or if underage users …

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